An Incomprehendable Post...

Here at LZR MTN,

you've lost your mind and what we are saying to you in this message makes perfect sense but you just don't get it... DO YOU!!! So here it goes... just so you know this is all a joke like almost everything we do and this was actually written by someone other than us, I hope you know who wrote it... "I don't like you, and I'm gonna beat you up! NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! I'm tellin, I'm tellin my mom... Beans Beans Beans Jessie had some beans, he was happy, happy, happy and he ate some beans... Naked, naked, naked sitting cross-legged Naked, naked, naked and he was happy, happy, happy and he ate some beans... Wine, wine, wine Jessie had some wine he was happy, happy, happy and he ate some wine... Beans, beans, beans Jessie ate some beans and he drank some wine and he was happy, happy, happy as he drank some beans"

 so I hope you've found your mind after reading that beautiful poem, but if you haven't... come up to the peak and see the amazing view we have up here on top of this mountain, I'm pretty sure you'll find it up here... most people do

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