Happy Take Your Houseplants For A Walk Day!!!!

So lets do it... go make your houseplants get in shape and MAKE them WALK... they will walk if you convince them the right way... They like to be motivated with things like fresh soil when they come back or you could be an asshole and threaten them by saying I'm not going to water you or give you your nutrients until you've taken your walk. either way... get them to walk... today is their day to shine and their day to take a walk with you... also don't give in and carry them because that's what they want... they want to USE you and you can't let them.....

so once again happy take your houseplants for a walk day and remember to stay strong and they will listen and good luck...

With Sensual Love from your friends at
LaZeR MounTaiN



I know that we are... and I know for a fact that cartoons are the solution to global warming, they are the cure for AIDS, and all other diseases that have no found cure, they're the solution to world hunger, human trafficking, it would be the end of the drug war, and all other war, they would give everyone a level of knowledge that is REQUIRED to live and to succeed if "success" is your goal in life,and on top of all of that everyone would get to enjoy watching cartoons so if you want to help be a part of any solution, or cure, or anything else that would help to make this world a better place start by watching some classics... Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, Popeye or any of the others... then make your way up to Adventure Time and Spongebob and Regular Show, and to make the world fully perfect (but not everyone can make it this far and thats OK you've already done your part if you've watched any cartoon) watch Super Jail, South Park, Aqua Teen, Squidbillies or The Brak Show... but again it doesn't matter which cartoon you watch as long as you have fun and realize that you're making this world a better place by doing it....

Live Life,                                                                                                                                  Make Love,
Enjoy It...                                                                                                                                  S'men It!!!!

An Incomprehendable Post...

Here at LZR MTN,

you've lost your mind and what we are saying to you in this message makes perfect sense but you just don't get it... DO YOU!!! So here it goes... just so you know this is all a joke like almost everything we do and this was actually written by someone other than us, I hope you know who wrote it... "I don't like you, and I'm gonna beat you up! NO!!! NO!!! NO!!! I'm tellin, I'm tellin my mom... Beans Beans Beans Jessie had some beans, he was happy, happy, happy and he ate some beans... Naked, naked, naked sitting cross-legged Naked, naked, naked and he was happy, happy, happy and he ate some beans... Wine, wine, wine Jessie had some wine he was happy, happy, happy and he ate some wine... Beans, beans, beans Jessie ate some beans and he drank some wine and he was happy, happy, happy as he drank some beans"

 so I hope you've found your mind after reading that beautiful poem, but if you haven't... come up to the peak and see the amazing view we have up here on top of this mountain, I'm pretty sure you'll find it up here... most people do


Here at LZR MTN

...and everywhere else... You are THE GREATEST ARTIST THAT EVER LIVED... and we don't care if you believe us or not, but here is our explanation... living is an art in its self... when you walk its second nature and when you walk alone you do it at your own pace, once you start to walk next to someone you know you either pick up the pace or drop it down... and don't even realize you've done it... talking is the same... each person has their own voice and way of speaking and I would compare that to standard art (painting, drawing, sculpting, writing music, etc) because it's one of a kind and nobody can perfectly duplicate it... and something as annoying (or peaceful) as cleaning the house is another perfect form of art... try to deny the FACT that you are a beautiful artist and your art is always being shown to the public for everyone to enjoy although most people do ignore majority of the pieces that you create every second of your life...

So now you know if you didn't all ready...
You are far better than us here at LZR MTN
so keep on ARTing as much as you can


We just passed a guy in a truck who had a bumper sticker with the good old American flag on it that said "THESE COLORS DON'T RUN" and we thought it was ironic because we are safely said the laziest country in the world as far as the general population is concerned. So yes, the majority of America doesn't RUN let alone jog, walk, or do any other kind of exercise, and to be honest I too fall into that category...

Here at LZR MTN
These colors DON'T RUN

We're Sorry...

So it's been a while since we've posted anything on here and we're sorry to keep you waiting... We truly love everyone of you that has been there to support us... All of you who were at Bellyfest we had a BLAST being there doing what we did and getting all of you to help us... those of you who weren't there again... We're sorry... And to those who have passed by any of our work and recognized that it was there, thank you again... I hope you all have a beautiful day hanging out under the notorious Washington weather and if you aren't from here in Washington... I send you the Manliest, Gnarliest, Happiest, Digital High Five of all time because we love having fans that are from outside of our home State...

With Sweet, Sweet, Sticky, Love,