New laboratory up and running

well, we spent a majority of saturday organizing and setting up our new laboratory. Now you can expect some rad new art coming up very soon. and as stated before, anyone traveling anywhere in the world we need your help. get ahold of us so we can give you some homework.

much love,


Down with Ignorant religious fucks

I just got done reading an agonizing article in today's paper, Here.

These stupid fucks are going to start an all out religious war, what about the rest of the country that isn't even religious?

In light of the ignorance of the religious right, we at Lazer Mountain are encouraging anyone and everyone to do whatever they can to fuck with these ignorant fucks. In fact, lets make a day out of it. Their celebration is on 9/11, lets get a head start. September 10th is "Lazer Mountain Fucks with the Church Day". We will be doing what we do best by trying to piss off local churches (we already have a couple in mind) and we encourage anyone else who might want to help to do so.

Much love,